Sculpture Portfolio for Aaron Delehanty After the Fire, 2022Life Sized View fullsize Winged Genie Statue. 20173 feet tall, 2 feet wide View fullsize Blue Heron and Nest. 20183 feet tall, 3 feet wide View fullsize Fusion Reactor Model, 20202 feet tall, 2 feet wide View fullsize Steam Turbine Kinetic Model. 202029 inches wide, 6 inches tall, 8 inches deep View fullsize Paradise Flying Snake Model. 201336 inches long, 24 inches wide, 65 inches tall View fullsize Mushroom model- This is just an example of the many, many different types of models that are handmade to be included in the many landscapes that I have made View fullsize Mummy Bundle Models. 2015Life Sized, various dimensions